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How To Coordinate Living Rooms And Dining Rooms!

Whether your home has a separate living and dining room, or whether they are in the same space—here is an idea to make the rooms seem different, yet still harmonize with each other. 

Your choices in wood finishes and fabric selections can create harmony between the two rooms. While the two spaces  serve separate functions, they can still complement each other and provide the feeling of unity in your home. The use of color can play an important role! For example, you might want to use a different background color—perhaps a strong red—in the dining room than you have in the living room. Then you can use the same color from the background in the dining room on select accessories and art in the living room. Of course, vice versa also would apply. 

When it comes to furniture for the living and dining room, there are so many interesting pieces on the market today. We would be happy to show you! When it’s time for new furniture, please do not hesitate to call us. 

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